Resolving microphone issues

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Resolving microphone issues

Does PlaneCommand hear you at all?

In X-Plane, open Plugins menu and click on the Plugins > PlaneCommand > Troubleshoot audio... menu item.

Image of the PlaneCommand audio troubleshooting dialog

Check that your microphone is working

Check that PlaneCommand is allowed to use the microphone

Image of the Windows 10 microphone permissions dialog

Check that your sound quality is good

Sometimes noisy environments or defective microphones can cause PlaneCommand to stop working. Listening to recorded audio can help diagnose this problem.

Reducing background noise is one of the best ways to improve PlaneCommand's accuracy.

Use a different microphone

If you have a different microphone available, try that.
Different styles and brands of microphones often have very different performance, and may provide a better experience with PlaneCommand.

Noise canceling headset microphones are usually the best choice to use with PlaneCommand, probably for the same reason that they are so common in aviation. Personally, I use the excellent Samson Q2U when at my desk.

Update your sound drivers with Windows Update

Sometimes, sound problems can be caused by bugs in audio drivers.

Follow the instructions here at to update your computer's drivers.

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